The Eve Online 0.0 Experiment - Post 079 - Building A Future
Building A Future
I arrived at the same Sylph Alliance system I had previously visited (and had viciously referred to as living on the streets) and was greeted by the pilots Drakmor and Monma.
Monma had been absolutely outraged that I had suggested that charity workers had been distributing soup amongst the pilots who lived in the low-budget accomodation in their hostel, and I quickly had to think of a way of making amends for my prior derogatory onslaught upon these fine pilots.
I eventually concluded that avoidance would be the best policy, as any attempt to talk up the benefits of living in a POS compared to a station would simply be an attempt to dress mutton as lamb...
However, I then learned that Sylph consists of several hundred pilots, and has sovereignty over 10 systems in 0.0, with a large network of POS throughout their claimed area. Contrary to my prior jokes about them, they represent a formidable and well-organised force, and are an alliance that I can indeed learn much from.
I asked how to go about building my first POS:

I figured that it would be inevitable that malevolent forces of doom would attack my alliance at some point and we would reluctantly have to defend ourselves, so why not gain some experience of defensive combat in a system that badly needed cleaning up?
Drakmor then explained to me that like the fries in a cheap fast-food chain, there are three different types of POS, the king-size costing a mere 500 million isk. I was overjoyed to hear this, because despite this sum being a veritable fortune to the average n00b, it was a very small amount of money indeed in comparison to the 30 billion+ needed to build an outpost.
I then learned a chilling fact:

Apparently, in order to maintain this fabulous structure, it would be necessary to either mine ice (in order to extract the minerals from it) or to purchase the minerals regularly on the market. Like a new-born puppy dog, a POS requires regular fuelling and extensive loving care and attention from its owners.
I wondered just how many people would be needed to maintain it:

It would appear that this project was not actually as difficult as it first seemed, and I was extremely encouraged and heartened by this fantastic news. Out of unbridled excitement at this development, I quickly googled Sylph to find out who they really were, and was shocked to discover that they are Australian manufacturers of dancing pixie outfits...
Drakmor then invited me into their POS to inspect their fairy structures:
I learned that a POS consists of several items, the main structure being the "control tower". Moon mining equipment can also be installed, along with storage areas, refining complexes and laboratories.
In fact, it is possible to do almost everything that can be done at an outpost, with the exception of moving your medical clone there, and of "docking". However, if you are behind the shield then nobody can fire at you, which is effectively the same as being docked.
Having now learned some more about it, my opinion that this was a lower-class lifestyle embraced by penniless street-urchins rapidly changed, and like a man being told to be creative whilst sitting on a furnace, I quickly warmed to the idea...

All of a sudden, I saw the strange UFO lights again, that had scared the title of a James Bond film out of me in the Fountain region. Just as I was beginning to wonder if I was going completely insane, Drakmor also shockingly announced that he could see them too:

A terrifying sensation of fear began to twist through my nerves...
(to be continued...)
I arrived at the same Sylph Alliance system I had previously visited (and had viciously referred to as living on the streets) and was greeted by the pilots Drakmor and Monma.
Monma had been absolutely outraged that I had suggested that charity workers had been distributing soup amongst the pilots who lived in the low-budget accomodation in their hostel, and I quickly had to think of a way of making amends for my prior derogatory onslaught upon these fine pilots.
I eventually concluded that avoidance would be the best policy, as any attempt to talk up the benefits of living in a POS compared to a station would simply be an attempt to dress mutton as lamb...
However, I then learned that Sylph consists of several hundred pilots, and has sovereignty over 10 systems in 0.0, with a large network of POS throughout their claimed area. Contrary to my prior jokes about them, they represent a formidable and well-organised force, and are an alliance that I can indeed learn much from.
I asked how to go about building my first POS:

I figured that it would be inevitable that malevolent forces of doom would attack my alliance at some point and we would reluctantly have to defend ourselves, so why not gain some experience of defensive combat in a system that badly needed cleaning up?
Drakmor then explained to me that like the fries in a cheap fast-food chain, there are three different types of POS, the king-size costing a mere 500 million isk. I was overjoyed to hear this, because despite this sum being a veritable fortune to the average n00b, it was a very small amount of money indeed in comparison to the 30 billion+ needed to build an outpost.
I then learned a chilling fact:

Apparently, in order to maintain this fabulous structure, it would be necessary to either mine ice (in order to extract the minerals from it) or to purchase the minerals regularly on the market. Like a new-born puppy dog, a POS requires regular fuelling and extensive loving care and attention from its owners.
I wondered just how many people would be needed to maintain it:

It would appear that this project was not actually as difficult as it first seemed, and I was extremely encouraged and heartened by this fantastic news. Out of unbridled excitement at this development, I quickly googled Sylph to find out who they really were, and was shocked to discover that they are Australian manufacturers of dancing pixie outfits...
Drakmor then invited me into their POS to inspect their fairy structures:
I learned that a POS consists of several items, the main structure being the "control tower". Moon mining equipment can also be installed, along with storage areas, refining complexes and laboratories.
In fact, it is possible to do almost everything that can be done at an outpost, with the exception of moving your medical clone there, and of "docking". However, if you are behind the shield then nobody can fire at you, which is effectively the same as being docked.
Having now learned some more about it, my opinion that this was a lower-class lifestyle embraced by penniless street-urchins rapidly changed, and like a man being told to be creative whilst sitting on a furnace, I quickly warmed to the idea...

All of a sudden, I saw the strange UFO lights again, that had scared the title of a James Bond film out of me in the Fountain region. Just as I was beginning to wonder if I was going completely insane, Drakmor also shockingly announced that he could see them too:

A terrifying sensation of fear began to twist through my nerves...
(to be continued...)
im wondering if it might infact be an Enemy of the notorious Cult of Emilio that has come to offend you mate.. :)
Someone just told me he was married to Paula Abdul.
I am still in shock.....
Innominate, Have you heard of the Interstellar Starbase Syndicate?
From what I've read of them they're a totally Neutral Trade organization that any corporation can join as long as they pay dues and follow the rules.
From what I understand, they've financed the creation of several Outposts in the interest of establishing 0.0 trade and that the Major Alliances respect their neutrality.
While I doubt that they would donate the funds to set up a noobie haven in lowsec just for the purpose of being a noob haven, perhaps they have resources or knowledge to connect you with personnel who would be interested in at least establishing a donation fund for fueling POS's?
so... yeah, I would get the corp/alliance going first before jumping headlong into POS stuff, as you will no longer have much time for your "experiment"
That's just so... fluffy.
ISS? neutral?
ISS are -basically- always on the side of who's winning.
Get real dood. Or get bent. Just don't talk that stupid crap into IN's ears.
Well excuuuuuuse me Princess. That's just what I'd read. I can't seem to find anything where the ISS has shown abnormally unfavorable conditions to anyone that's willing to work with them.
Maybe you should document your complaints so everyone else can be so enlightened.
Someone let the trolls in again :-\. It's very trendy to question the neutrality of ISS these days, when in most cases, people just really don't understand what being neutral entails. The best way to express it is "innocent until proven guilty." We will not fire upon anyone who has remained peaceful towards us, but those who repeatedly attack us will be set to negative, at which point you will be fired upon and treated as dangerous. Neutrality and stupidity are not synonomous.
Princess, LOL.
The name said "anonymous". How did you deduce his/her royal leanings...
Sad to say ... this POS will die .. Inno has visited it .. its doomed !
Have fun
lol yup true
Look what happened after he came to fountain, more killing going on up hear atm compared to BOB/ASCN front lines in Paragon Soul.
But we continue to fight for our FREEEEEDOOOOOOOOOOOOM....
BTW Inno I hope you enjoyed the drinks while you where up hear :P
Dan can you please remove your picture from your posts, it's wasting the entire blog... I can hardly read other's comments when your face is around.
If you're going to launch an assault on his "boyish good looks and charm", then at least do it nonanonymously.
He's training for a dread, you know...
Next update coming in an hour or two, been very busy this weekend.
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